Category: Popular culture

Category: Popular culture

The Weekly Learning Vault: 18th Nov 2021

Hello Explorers,Welcome back to The Weekly Learning Vault. I – Philippa – will be guiding...

The Weekly Learning Vault: 11 th Nov 2021

Hello Explorers,Welcome back inside The Weekly Learning Vault for another week of discovery. I’m Philippa,and...

The Weekly Learning Vault: Number 1 2021

Hello Explorers,Welcome to The Weekly Learning Vault. I’m Philippa – the Innovations Manager at TheGuitar...

Cancel Culture and the Offending Artist: Should We Delete Them From Our Playlists?

Cancel Culture and the Offending Artist: Should We Delete Them From Our Playlists? TGS does...

Learning about slash chords from The Beatles

Learning about slash chords from The Beatles When learning to play guitar, or music in...


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